30 Days in Chugchilán

Chugchilán is a typical village in the Ecuadorian Andes, a lot goes on, but nothing happens*. All the men wear gumboots and all the women wear colourful shawls. There are plenty of cute, grubby faced kids and almost as many animals in town, as people. There is a town square, lined by a church, and a volleyball court. Sunday is market day. The rest of the week the atmospheric comings and goings of clouds comprise the majority of local traffic.

Thirty days in Chugchilán is a collaborative project between Alicia and me, Photographer and Writer. For the next month I plan to take a daily walk into town, with a few scraps of paper, and a pencil. I’ll sit down and record what happens. Alicia will record visual impressions of Chugchilán, in her own photographic way.

I will publish our daily efforts on a separate page of this blog. Alicia will be posting an additional photographic journal on her blog. I invite you to follow us, as we become acquainted with a small dot on the map in Latin America.
* yes that is a line from a Ben Lee song